Look at that perfect gray heart at the end of this petrified wood and the interesting markings on the wood.
I did get some beautiful reference photos to paint from. Our
plein air painting group is trying to stay within a two hour driving time for our painting trips. This Arizona state park was only a half an hour away, so it was great.
It was so serene with the sun coming through the twisted trees and the light dancing on the grasses.
None of us had our
plein air equipment in backpacks and the terrain was too rough for our rolling carts, so all we could do was take reference photos. I was quite happy though. The reflection of that palm tree in that bright blue water was worth the trip!
Marlene, you have an incredible "eye" for beauty with your camera. I had no idea there were so many "hearts" out there. I'm sure they jump out at you, but I'd probably have to look very hard to find them. I especially like your 3rd photo. There's a lot of inspiration here!