Thursday, November 7, 2013

Altered Jewelry Display

 I found  a broken Star Wars "Mace Windu" toy at a rummage store and a tall candle holder at Goodwill.  The bottom of the toy fit perfectly on the top of the candle holder. I liked that the toy's arms were moveable and sturdy.  All I had to to was add some Apoxie Sculpt to his thumbs to make them longer and more "hook-like" and paint them.  Then I used the Apoxie Sculpt to attach him to the candle holder.  When the Apoxie Sculpt was cured, I painted it.  It measures 8" x 25".  Besides Mace, I had a few whimsical pieces here and there throughout my booth at the art fair.  I loved when people "got it" and laughed out loud.


  1. Your morphing of figures into art and display is delightful!
    I hope Mace and Annie get along, thy make a cute couple!

  2. I hope they get along too-haha. Thanks Barbara.

  3. I love this display. Awesome!!!

  4. Thank you Nicole. Always love hearing from you.


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