Monday, October 7, 2013

AZPCG Polymer Retreat 2013

 There's a couple missing from the photo, but we had 26 polymer artists attend the 2013 Arizona Polymer Clay Guild's Retreat up in the mountains of Prescott, Arizona for 4 days.
 Several rooms overflowed with clay.   Lots of laughing, sharing, ooo's and ah's as we all admired each other's work.  A good time was had be all.


  1. So much fun. Glad you were there to share.

  2. Fun! Heat catches my eye in the second photo is all that color! The first photo begs to know for certain which one is you. I think I know, but must ask to confirm. Front and almost center, right? ;)

  3. Great pictures of camp, Marlene! I have yet to put up some on my blogpost...on my list to do this week! It was certainly a blast!


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