Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Gnome Home?

 No, no gnome home in the gnome home.  Say that 3 times.  I gave a demo on sculpting with Apoxie Sculpt at the AZPCG Retreat up in Prescott, Arizona.  Apoxie Sculpt is a good alternative when polymer clay cannot be used.  This gourd was unopened so it might explode in the oven.  I did not want to open it.  I just wanted the shape and the lightness of a large gourd.  I will use polymer to sculpt the accessories.
 This is just the base.  I still need to add accessories, more rocks here and there and some hardware, paint and sealer.
And, in the is not going to be a gnome home at all.  Stay tuned.


  1. LOVE it so far and cannot wait to see it completed. You have such a great imagination and wonderful talent.

    I have used apoxie sculpt for years. Not only to sculpt with but also to reinforce armatures. It is wonderful stuff.

  2. I love this, and cannot imagine what it will morph into if not a gnome home! You need to add some hardware? Definitely staying tuned here..


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