Showing posts with label Fringe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fringe. Show all posts

Monday, May 13, 2013

Fringe, Fringe & More Fringe

I added my fireworks fringe and didn't like it.  Out of proportion I thought, but I'll wear it and see if it grows on me.
 Nope, maybe on another piece.  I'm happier with this one.

Monday, February 18, 2013

With or Without Tassle

I finished using the rest of the black and white inclusion cane by making some extra large tube beads.  They were kind of lost by themselves, so I strung them all and threw on a tassel.  Made me smile.
I will post some of the pieces from the black and white inclusion cane later.  To learn more about inclusion canes see this post (click HERE).   Tomorrow is black and white simple canes.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Gourd Sculpture Display

The head and arms are Apoxie Sculpt, gourd body is painted with acrylics, hair is string, basket is from Goodwill with the outside covered with air dry polymer clay.  I wove the fringe around the basket and painted the inside with acrylic paint.  She displays my bead crochet bracelets and necklaces.  
My inspiration was one of Retlaw Snellac's photos of a Turkana woman.  Turkana is the second largest pastoral community in Kenya.  I loved how her beadwork looked on her elongated neck.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Abstract Tubular Peyote

I purchased two antique French steel cut beaded purses.  The one I featured yesterday and a second one that was in pieces.  I cut up the second one because I thought I would somehow use those itty bitty, teeny tiny little steel cut beads in one of my creations.  I gave it a try in the abstract piece above, but am not happy with it.  At some point it will hit the chopping block.  

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Now, That's Fringe

...... tied up pretty with a little beaded bow. Sculptural peyote is my favorite. It was the first technique I learned so many years ago and I continue to love every aspect of it. This necklace is full of vintage beads and brings back a lot of memories. You can find directions for a wonderful tutorial on how to make a sculptural peyote bracelet (click HERE) from Beki of Whim Beads.