Showing posts with label Altered Art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Altered Art. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The Overseer

Every once in a while I work on the 40" altered doll.  I found some great tattered wings in the Halloween section at Goodwill.  She's high up on a shelf overlooking my work table....reminding me to get busy.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Paintbrush Necklace

Our local art club has a "free" box in which members can give away old brushes, paints, containers, etc.  I dug for treasures and came up with a beautiful, beat up 1" paint brush.  A little Apoxie Sculpt (resin clay) to attach the half head and arms and a little black paint and she was ready for her debut.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!!

 Silly me....this is so appropriate for Halloween.  Here I was thinking I didn't have one thing I could post for this creative day.  But after emerging from my laboratory I went back and took some photos of my latest project.  This is a 40" doll I have started to "alter".  She has gone through several changes in these first drafts. After a base coat of metal paint and an application of lace here and there, I added the chains.  Nope, didn't like them and I didn't like the hair.
Her head was shaved and the large glass eye was replaced with a medium size glass eye.  The other eye remained small.
 After the second coat of metal paint dried, I filled in her leg joints with Apoxie Sculpt so she would be stable and not bend.
What are those circles?  Worries that are surfacing and working their way to the top and will eventually fly away to make room for whimsey.  No, seriously, I have no idea.  Just added them for interest.  More to follow.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

"No Dumping"

An art project challenge-create a piece of jewelry that makes a statement on more than one level.  Aesthetically, it makes a statement and environmentally.  No more dumping, littering, junk piling.   
It was a full day. I had sketched, executed and assembled.  I had a nice dinner, watched a movie, went on the computer, etc.  When I went to bed, I laid there thinking....people dump on each other too.  They get over-stressed and dump on family, friends, or the lady in customer service who is just trying to do her job.  All things really are relative.  
I used rubber coated beads, jump rings, leather cording and chain embellishment.  I hand cut, filed, drilled, sanded and painted the resin/plastic "junk" forms.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Altered Art Jewelry Display #4

This was fun to put together. A while ago, I made a necklace of the Cracker Jacks' toys I collected as a kid. I decided to make a "toy" display to showcase it. There are new buttons, old cars, trains, vintage piggies and bears, etc. My favorite is the Fischer Price guy that belonged to our kids when they were small. Kind of a full circle thing. I will be using the display at our local art fair this Saturday to display another necklace. I am almost done with everything.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Altered Art Jewelry Display#3

Another altered art jewelry display for my booth. She will eventually have pierced ears and a tiara. I'm still working on her. The door opens to another 3 shelves and several cup hooks to display more pieces. Back to polymer tomorrow. Hope your turkey week is going well.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Altered Art Jewelry Display#2

The cutest little faces on these dolls. I just love them. They make me smile every time I see them. Yesterday's display box and this one are wired on the back to hang on my booth walls. The above photo is from yesterday's display box. I forgot to include it. I did use up some big polymer beads and quite a few of the bobbins so I was happy. The displays are very sturdy and store well in my art closet.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Altered Art Jewelry Display#1

I buy broken toys at Goodwill and use them to make altered art and mixed media pieces. When I was preparing for our local art fair, I made several Altered Art display boxes for my booth. Another one tomorrow.