Showing posts with label Painted Ladies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Painted Ladies. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Painted Ladies

My Painted Ladies are getting getting away from me. Too much going on. It's funny, when I'm not feeling well, I get lost in the process of what I'm creating and it becomes just that.....a process rather than a creation. It's a matter of just "doing" something so I'm not thinking or feeling. Not a joyful thing. They look so stressed.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Painted Ladies in Polymer Clay

My interpretation of the famous row of Painted Ladies Victorian Homes. So far, there are 7 pins and two pendants. A bracelet is just in the sketching stage, but I'm hoping this will become an ongoing series for me.
It's a short blog this morning because I'm flying out the door to catch a ride to Chandler, Arizona (an hour away) where I will be participating in the first day of a two day workshop with Tory Hughes.
So, it's short, but sweet. Come on, you know you think they're cute. It's the cardboard cut-out that makes me giggle. All I need are some little polymer clay cars zooming down that road of life.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Still Playing House

I'm still playing with my house design. I sketched out a few designs and am loving playing with the mokume gane technique I learned from Julie Picarello.
Kind of nice working in the quiet of the night.
My husband will be cutting ceramic tile tomorrow to finish the step-down to our "new" old room, so it will be noisy. I need to gather my supplies together and condition clay for the weekend workshops with Tory Hughes. So looking forward to meeting her. But I must get busy now and get these things done and then get to bed or I will be napping another day away tomorrow.