I was inspired by the Witches Fingers (cookies) below from The Baking Pan. You can find their yummy cookies recipes

I didn't want cookies so I went my own way. I used well conditioned
ProSculpt polymer clay. I rolled a log, pushed in from the ends, pinched the area between where the knuckles would be, drew some lines on the knuckles. I added some bumps on the knuckles here and there and a hairy wart on one.

To define the fingernails, I used the rounded part of some stainless steel measuring spoons I use for polymer. I baked the fingers and when they were cool, I painted them with acrylic paints. If you don't want to paint, start with a blend of an ugly color green polymer!

Another Halloween book for my gruesome collection. "Witch Finger? Stew" by
Cislyn Crisp. Cover says, "Untested, Unsafe and Unappetizing Recipes" "Guaranteed To Disgust".
OK, did you say "Cislyn Crisp" out loud? Get it? Sizzling Crisp fingers in the Stew? C'mon, you're going to have to work a little for these.