I textured this painting with fine glass beads in the red stripe and extremely fine sand in the yellow-green stripe. Love how it looks in the light. Didn't love Saturday. The weather was too bad; too windy and too cold. In our part of Arizona, there are probably 3 or 4 days out of the whole year that are too rainy, cold and/or windy to go out. Saturday was one of those days for me, so no art fair.

We were up at 4:30 a.m. with the trailer and car loaded and at the site at 6:00. I waited around for a while and then made the decision it was just too windy to risk it. Hours later, the rain did stop and the winds lifted and the sun came out. It was a first for me. Not a good feeling. Now, I need to put it behind me and get ready for an exciting 4 days with Barbara McGuire, starting on Friday, Nov. 11
th. I've never done a face cane and am so looking forward to an intense workshop over the weekend.