Sunday, January 27, 2013

Shells in Sedona

 We stopped at a beautiful shop called Cocopah located in the arts and crafts village of Tlaquepaque in Sedona, Az.
Even though it was full of beads, kits and jewelry, all I could see were the shells.
Oh, they were little little gems of color, shape and texture.


Barbara said...

We have all probably seen these seashell displays in specialty shops, but seeing them through your eyes is seeing them anew! I especially like the first photo. So what will be the result? Are there any new molds here for you? Not flat like soda bottle bottoms, but if anyone can do it, I know you can. :)

Roberta Warshaw said...

Shells in Sedona. That's funny! Although I once read somewhere that the dessert was once on the bottom of the ocean............