Bead crochet. Crocheted ropes. Crocheted lariats. Whatever you want to call them, they are addictive. It took me a long time and three different teachers before this technique clicked. Once it did, I made 18 lariats non-stop. The
lariats are longer than the ropes so you can wear them tied differently. Or as one teeny tiny customer said, "oh look, it makes a great belt!"

The black and white series were challenging because if you are off by one bead, the whole pattern is off.

This one is called "Little Chicken Legs."

I donated this one to the Sun City West
Beaders Club for their raffle.

A closer view of the flower and leaf fringe.

variegated lariat with lots of lush loops so it drapes beautifully. I definitely need a new camera.

Yup, I individually glued each bead. If it didn't quite fit, I filed it down to fit perfectly. The trees and beaded wreath were donations to the Sun City West
Beaders silent auction. And yes, darn proud they all sold.

I individually glued vintage beads on a styrofoam wreath and tied a big red bow.

The two trees on the left are made from broken chains, the one on the right is all thread with pearls glued on.
Marlene I've been on your site. You are an amazing artist. We all try to creat, but you, OMG I am humbeled. You know I am your bigest fan and I love you.
your clay pal & beady buddy
Wow!! I've been following your work for over 15 years and am amazed at your range of talent. Painting, jewelry, sculpture equally in best form. I own several pieces of your jewelry and without fail people stop me on the street to ask where I bought the piece. The best was when I was in Saks Fifth Avenue and a woman dripping in diamonds stopped and wanted to buy the necklace from my neck!!! This is true. Anyway, enough said. I really enjoy looking at all your art so keep posting!
Your biggest fan, C.
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