I convinced myself I needed some polymer skull napkin rings to complete my Halloween
tablescape. I made the skull and cross bones from
Kato polymer clay. I bought a silicone skeleton ice tray from
IKEA . I cut one off, cut the depth in half and used it for the skull mold. I hand sculpted the cross bones, baked them, made a mold of them and then attached each of the cross bones to the skulls with more polymer and completed the baking.
I painted some second hand wooden napkin rings black, sanded and distressed them, then attached the baked polymer to the wooden napkin ring with
Apoxie Clay. It binds the polymer to the wood like cement.
I also use it to alter my creatures. It has a comfortable working time an air dries to a cement finish.
These are the second hand napkin rings, the ice cube tray mold and the mold I made of my polymer cross bones.
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