Finished the peyote lariat and not that nuts about it. I hate when that happens. But what have I learned from it? That all size 11 seed beads are not the same size. Yes, I knew that; but now I have internalized it. It's one thing to hear and surface understand something and another to REALLY get it--to have that "ah-ha" moment! Now I got it.

When I do another (if I do another), I will use all

The below crocheted rope has the closure in the front. I use sterling silver components and wire. The closure was a nice heavy sterling and turquoise toggle from Rio
Grande Jewelry Supply.

The below two photos are from the "To Be Finished" trays. They are crocheted ropes that I need to fringe. However, one of my friends said she wanted a red one without anything on it; just plain with no fringe. Boy, that made my life a little easier. So I will finish off the threads and see how the "plain" ones sell at the next fair.

I can always fringe them later, so nothing to lose.

Sova's website
http://www.sova-enterprises.com/ is one of my favorite sites to purchase patterns and e-books from. She also has
http://www.bead-patterns.com/ and writes Bead Patterns magazine. I purchased my bead storage containers and shelves, "Pavillion" through Rita, as well as several e-books and many bead patterns. She also has lots of free information, a newsletter, gallery, swaps, yahoo chat group, 13,000 patterns from hundreds of artists worldwide.
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