This is the workspace lately. A Poinsettia pin almost done and another couple started. I still have to add the framing or backing to the above, glue and insert the crystals, sign it and bake it.
I love "shield" shapes for pins and pendants. You can use a
template or just a flexible tissue blade to make the shape.
The above sheet is just started. I will build the background and flowers until I like them, cut out the shapes, back, embellish, sign and bake them.
These are some of the old canes I have and used slices from almost all of them.
Just made the skinner blend plug on the left because I thought I would make a background piece from it, but didn't.

Had a bit of scrap clay left over so blended it to a marbled stone grey and made handles for my
Speedball lino cutter set.
Molded them to fit my fingers. I use the cutter in the handle the most, so left that as it was. I decided to make the handles smaller on the others as I only use them periodically.

I molded an old button and started these two pins.
Pretty productive day.
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