Two postings again in one day. Above is the finished pin. While it baked, I took a break and went web browsing. To my surprise, I found
Julie Eakes has a 5-Part tutorial on a gorgeous Poinsettia cane which I wish I would have seen before I started.

I have used
Nanetta Bananto's 2005 book, "Creative Techniques for Polymer Clay Jewelry" for inspiration as well as color and design information for years.

It is full of step by step photos and narratives. It is published by North Light Books. I purchased mine through
Amazon. You get free shipping through Amazon if you spend $25 and I can usually get two to three books for $25. So, basically I got the composition idea from
Nanetta's book. Guess you could have knocked me over with a feather when I saw Julie's Poinsettia Pin; it is gorgeous. Mine looks like kindergarten.

Anyway, to make a short story longer, I don't know whether to apologize or secretly jump up and down that I'm even thinking along the same lines as a Julie
Eakes! I love her blog, her jewelry inspired from her trip to Africa, her detailed face canes, the fact that she still takes classes and she is a master teacher and that she shares so generously.

Above is Julie's poinsettia cane pin. If you want to see an unbelievable face cane, go to her
blog and check out the one she made of a senator a while back.
Well I have to first say thanks for all the kind words. Second I love your poinsettia pin. What can I say brilliant and creative minds think alike! Feel free to use the picture from my blog.
Thinking along the same lines.....what was I thinking typing that? Mine look like pre-school. She is so gracious. Thank you, Julie.
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