Every time I attempted to post something new, I'd sit here and look at "Published in Polymer Cafe" and I just couldn't. I am still like a kid on Christmas morning, but I have been getting some things done and learning along the way and it is time to post new things.

Isn't the detail in the above necklace gorgeous? My friend bought this at an estate sale and was told it was over 100 years old. It was barely hanging together and she hoped it could be saved. I used some good, strong, flexible
SoftFlex and french wire to attach the clasp. The french wire will help relieive some of the tension from the weight of the glass beads and should hold up quite well (famous last words).

The photo really does not do it justice. It is really amazing.

Look at the wire work in the above and below photos. So unique.

I have been collecting jet glass beads for years and have never done anything with them. Just enjoyed having them and planning how I might use them "some day".

So after completing my friend's necklace, I was inspired to get out my collection and get to work.

My goodness, I did not realize my little collection had grown considerably. At first I thought I could sit down and just wing it. Happily stringing along until I realize I had enough for two nice long necklaces. So I started over and didn't get very far. I learned that I needed to go back to the simple basics of life. Slow down, enjoy the process, take stock and lay out a simple plan or two. Getting out my large bead board, I set to work and below if the first one.

One was going to be elegantly simple with small to medium beads, but with a lot of
roundels to reflect evening light.

Sterling silver and dark garnet clasp attached with french wire. I am going to add sterling silver crimp covers. I ran out and it was not possible to get to the bead shop today.

Above is the focal point that drapes beautifully. It looks stunning with a long black tailored jacket.

Finished that one and decided the second one was going to be on the restrained side, letting the unique shapes and composition of the beads be the focal point.

But had to add a little something at the end. A sterling silver, french wire closure that I purchased at the Tucson Bead Show in 2007.

Finally using instead of gathering, collecting, sorting, storing. I've actually emptied a couple of containers and gained the satisfaction of finishing a few projects.
I took the above photo for design reference; in case I would need it in the future. I giggled at that one. Like I am going to just run into this kind of a collection again. My friend also gave me a second broken necklace to fix, but I could not. I hated admitting it to myself and hated disappointing her. It was another lesson for me; letting go and accepting what I cannot fix.
dude, dem bead necklaces like some snakes
Love the looks, so different & still both are GREAT!
Glad you are up & working...
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