Above is a 4-1/2" x 5" piece that I will mount to a backing and frame as an abstract. It came from the bottom two right and left triangles in the BIG cane below.
As I reduced it, I sliced some of the end scraps off and pieced them together. It looked like blood vessels so I kept going with it. I guess my point is even if the cane is distorted or the scraps look wonky, try something with them anyway.
Wow! That's cool! I love the eyelets! Is that what those are in your cane piece-ings? And, holy crap on a cracker! That's a HUGE cane! How much clay is that?
A LOT of clay! Those are eyelets. I've always liked adding some piece of metal to my pieces, I just never knew it had a name (Steampunk) back in the 70's. We called it "Debris Jewelry" -Marlene
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