Thank you Polymer Cafe'! Thank you for publishing my article. It's really exciting to sign a contract with a magazine.

I was so flattered when they said they liked my work and asked me to write for them.

Like I said before, I have always been intimidated and felt insecure about writing or submitting my work. But risking a little bit has paid off.

This has encouraged me to do more and try harder.

It is hard to put into words how happy I am and how blessed I feel. My friend from Chicago is here this week visiting so it is extra special to be able to share this with her. My husband is taking us out to dinner tonight to celebrate. I belong to the Arizona Polymer Clay Guild and they were congratulating me on Saturday. Feel like I have won an Oscar. I know I am tooting my horn, but I guess sometimes it's OK.
Congrats Marlene! I'd better go out and buy a copy.
OMG - Marlene - CONGRATULATIONS! You be the luckiest girl!!!!! Soon you will act like you don't know us....LOL - Love ya.
Congratulations Marlene!! I'll have to see if I can find a copy of that mag here locally :)
You should toot your own horn... you are good at what you do and you should be proud!
Congrats, Marlene! I was so happy to see your article!!! ^_^
Definitely OK to bask in the glow of stardom:)hehehe Congratulations! You went outside your comfort zone and look at the results! A great example to follow.
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