First of all, can I say I am still flying high after getting one of my pieces featured in Polymer Clay Daily yesterday. Gosh, that was exciting! OK, now onto Julie Picarello's workshop I took in Tucson on Tuesday.
It was fabulous! I MEAN it was fun, informative, entertaining, fast paced and Julie was a master teacher in the true sense of the word. If you get a chance to take one of her classes, don't hesitate.
Above is a photo of my table. Yes, I had the luxury of an entire table to myself and took over two chairs as well. What a luxury that was. I was the last to arrive and it was the last space. How lucky was that?
The two pieces at the top of the blog and the two at the bottom (and the clay sheet above) are my first attempts at Julie's mokume' gane technique.
Above is a picture of Julie working on one of her pieces (photo is from Julie's website). You can visit her website, Yellow House Designs here to see where she will be teaching next and to view her gallery of work.
The above piece looks like cork, but, of course it isn't. The gold accents are from the hardware store.
No, I don't know what this is going to be, but it just evolved during the class and will have something coming out of the bottom when I am done stringing it. I have been so excited all day long about the Polymer Clay Daily post yesterday, that I could not get to sleep tonight and decided to get up and enter my post for today. But, now, I am tired and am heading back to bed.


Thanks to everyone who commented, emailed and telephoned me to congratulate me. Thanks to subscribers and followers and the 48 countries that have visited my blog. What joy all my artist friends bring into my life. Thanks for being there for me.
Love the pieces you did with Julie, I'm taking a class with her at Orlando Fandango next month. Looking forward to it.
Congratulations on being on Polymer Clay Daily....wonderful.
Oh thank you Alice! I am still reeling from the excitement.
You will have so much fun at Julie's workshop. Thanks again for commenting.-Marlene
Mokume hermoso Gane!!!
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