This is what I did today. I sat and instructed the hubby how to set up my booth in my office area and he hung my paintings and boards of jewelry.

I'm not one of those that can just wing it on art fair morning. I have to set everything up ahead of time and get it exactly the way I want it, take a photo of it, dissemble it and reassemble it at the art fair.

I am checking the sides and corners of all the paintings to make sure they are perfect. Then I need to hang them, print out the price tag and I
should be done with these.

The paintings in the above photo need to be worked on. And I have tons of jewelry I need to put the finishing touches on. But, the universe is telling me something different, so I will do what I can and put the rest on hold.
Must make it a lot less stressful on the art fair day if you already know how you want it!
Sorry to hear about your foot. I hope it feels better soon and is OK. I am also recovering from foot surgery and I know how painful and difficult it can be with a sore foot.
Let me know if you need anything, Marlene. Wow, your booth is going to be wonderful. You are very smart to set up in advance.
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